Protecting Our Patients

Corporate Compliance Notice

Tri-County is committed to operating an effective Compliance Program. We are dedicated to acting morally and ethically in all aspects of the organization's operations. TCFM is dedicated to creating an environment where open, honest communication is the expectation and not the exception. The Compliance Program encourages and promotes an environment where suspected fraud, waste, abuse and unethical or illegal activities can be anonymously reported by anyone without fear of retaliation. We want you to feel comfortable coming forward in instances where you believe violations of policies or misconduct have occurred. The Compliance Program is committed to investigating every claim and recommending a warranted action plan as necessary.

TCFM's Corporate Compliance Officer

Any employee or contractor who knows or suspects a violation of the Corporate Compliance Program, federal, state, or local law, must report their concerns to the Tri-County Compliance Officer.  All communication received will be kept confidential. Individuals reporting in good faith are protected under TCFM's non-intimidation and non-retaliation policies. The Compliance Officer may be reached in the following ways.

Tri-County Family Medicine Administration Building

10869 State Route 36S.

Dansville, NY 14437

  • Written communication can be sent to the following address:

Tri- County Family Medicine Program, Inc.
Attention: Compliance Officer
PO Box 601
10869 Route 36 S.
Dansville, NY 14437

An Anonymous Compliance Hotline has been established at 585-335-7355.

Confidentiality regarding the issues raised through a hotline call will be protected up to the limits of the law and to the extent reasonably possible. The Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that a timely, independent investigation on compliance issues brought to his or her attention is completed.

Compliance Plan and Policies
Corporate Compliance Program
Standards of Conduct/ Conflict of Interest

Privacy Practices

This document (PDF) describes how medical information about you may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.

Your Information. Your Rights. Our Responsibilities.

Su información. Sus derechos. Nuestras responsabilidades.